Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Are you Paranoid, Crazy, or Justified???!..(for the professional ROBOCOPS)

So, todays issue has been long past due!! Why do we spend so much time and energy trying to catch up the person that we "messing with", your boyfriend/girlfriend, or even someone that you are just dating or talking to. I know either you have called someone or have gotten a call like this..." Hey. so did you go to the party tonight?? What time did_____ leave?? Did you see____ leave with ___??? Did it look like he/she was driving north or south on main street??? Cuz he/she live south and if he/she was driving North then imma be pissed!!!!" You ask about a million questions and no matter what answers you get you still have made up in your mind that this person is lying. You do things like wait until the person goes to the bathroom, or even sleep so that you can hurry up and browse through those text messages and call history. Now the call history is cool...unless its a female/males name and the call time is more than 8 mins...when you talkin for 10, it becomes a bit suspect..lol. And dont let the inbox messages be full, but there isnt any outbox messages...uh oh. then you get, "what the hell did you say to him/her that you couldnt keep in you're phone?" You come over the crib and start acting like Sherlock Holmes making sure that his/her sheets look regular and clean...but not too clean, cuz if they new sheets or been washed you start to wonder why?? lol...( I'm about to push a few peoples buttons here..) You do the garbage can inspection!!...lol.....the one where you're looking for too many condom wrappers..."Girl! we only used 2...why the hell was it 5 in his trash can!" lol....Or you fellahs start looking for clothes and hats that aint yours. You know if you see stuff like fitted caps, stud earrings, basket ball shorts, or wife beaters randomly in your girl wardrob that alarm goes off in your head...especially if it wasnt there the last time you was there.....(now....ive been a victim of this....got snapped because the dummy forgot I had a brother! lol....negro still aint believe me! I hope you reading this too you jerk!! ) ...whooo saaaaa...lol
But i give these scenerios to say that either you are paranoid, trippin, or your girl/guy aint shit and you need to realize it. I'll give my top reasons for why people act like this. # 1....you are crazy! Some people are just paranoid and think that everybody that they dealing with is out to be on some dog/unfaithful type stuff. You convince yourself that things are there that really arent there. You may have failed to realize that men dont take their trash out as often...so maybe all of those condom wrappers were ones that you guys used. He/she may have deleted their outbox because they send more outgoing messages than they recieve messages (honestly in my opinion, the outbox thing... is crap..lol...but maybe.), but due to the fact that every person before you was on dummy...you have your gaurds up expecting to catch this new person before they even have a chance to "play" you or "hurt" you.
#2....You have a voice inside you that is telling you that this person is no good...and you need to listen to it. If you are with someone and for some reason you always have a feeling like something is going on and its not due to the reasons listed in #1...then you need to follow those feelings. If you can never sleep when this person is over because their phone keeps ringing all night, or your waiting for the perfect opprotunity to snag their phone, then you dont need to be sleeping next to this person. Why waste energy trying to find things or catch this person up...when you already know the answers in your heart. Often times, God will give you an answer before you even have the chance to find it. Its ok to tell a person, " Look, you got a little bit too much going on for me....so when you cut back on all that action, then hollah at me."
Focus on being the best partner....not the best robocop! lol....Through my experiences Ive come to find that if a person truly cares about you, they will assure you of such by making you feel secure. If i gotta be inspector gadget, then youre not the one for me. And thats real. But thats just my opinion..let me know what you think.


  1. I understand that. I hate when I get the question...Who are u with?... Nobody....I heard a voice in the background...It was the TV. Like WTF listening to hard. Everyone has trust issues that they dont know how to voice so the snoop.
    So the person that is getting questioned everyday gets sick of it and 9 times out of 10 has the mind to think "Hey they already think I'm up to no good. So I'm going to start acting no good" LOL!! People are a trip when they are more than friends.

  2. Niiice! This Is So0o True, And So Right...iJus Ended My RelationShip BCuz Of That Little Voice/Paranoia.

    If you can never sleep when this person is over because their phone keeps ringing all night, or your waiting for the perfect opprotunity to snag their phone, then you dont need to be sleeping next to this person.

    Sums It Up Perfect!
