Saturday, January 16, 2010
Ok...What is the definition of a whore? hoe? slut? When it comes to this subject, many view points differ. There are many answers to this question....
Growing up, I used to agree that if a woman slept with numerous men, then she was a whore, or easy. That's the way that I was brought up, and that's what I was persuaded to believe. However, after growing up, experiencing life, and meeting a few REAL hoes....this opinion has changed. I believe that being a "hoe" is a lifestyle/state of mind. Its the way you carry yourself, interact with the opposite sex, as well as your outlook on sex in general. A hoe, has sex without evaluating the consequences and it is more of a sport instead of an act of intimacy. A hoe goes out in search for "the D***K", and when its all said and done if the guy don't call the next day...the she on to the next. A hoe will "SMASH THE HOMMIE" with no remorse, and wont even see the problem with it. A hoe doesn't expect anything from her sex partner but an orgasm....and maybe some bus fair to get home. lol. A hoe is ALWAYS ready for anything! She keeps a condom, some baby wipes, ad a Altoid in her purse just in case something pop off! A hoe, doesn't care that she's a hoe...she accepts it. Now...that's just one breed of hoe.
The next breed of hoe is tricky hoe! lol... this is Ms. Independent hoe..."I have sex with men because im secure with my sexuality, and If men can do it, why cant I??" This is a hoe that has made hoeism to seem a bit more classy. This is the hoe that at heart knows she is a hoe...but needs good justification for being so. This is the hoe that don't think shes a hoe, just because she doesnt accept money, or gifts in exchange for the sex (Naw...that just doesn't make you a Now I personally know few of the Ms. Independent hoes....they cool just gotta give them a reality check sometimes like, " a hoe. (lol) You aint even know cuz!" This breed of hoe will trick you because she aint your stereotypical hoe....she can conceal them hoe tendencies beneath the latest fashions, and looking just a bit more the average eye. However..I can respect this hoe a bit more than the first breed of hoe, because she knows how to throw you off her I dont care how independent you are....when the # of sexual partners you have is like twice your age...Im sure that a few people consider you a hoe.
Now the third breed of hoe will often times not be labeled as a hoe to most. This is due to the fact that this hoe is so oblivious to the fact that she is a hoe. No...honestly...she is....whole hearted...she doesn't know. She is the type that only has sex with men if she feels a connection....and what makes her a hoe is the fact that she feels that connection almost every damn She really means well at heart, but shes an emotionally connected hoe. lol.
I am by no means judging ANYONE! I think that peoples personal life, and sexual decisions should be left up to them. I just feel that women need to realize that SOMEBODY in this world is gonna think your a whore no matter how many people you have had sex with. Also, WHO you choose to have sex with that helps you receive the hoe badge of I know women who have only had sex with 1 guy...and will forever be known as a hoe (sad). If the guy your sleeping with thinks your a more than sure that he will feel compelled to share this view of you with the world. Its also about establishing morals and expectations out of every sexual encounter. When you put yourself out there like a hoe....then you are treated and labeled as such. When you allow what goes on in your bedroom to be seen in the streets, then don't be surprised if you're forever wearing a scarlet letter on your chest. Its old school to say this...but the safest way to not be talked to not give em' nothing to talk about. And yes...everybody has a freak deep down on the inside...its all about how often you choose to unleash it. Some people choose every weekend with different partners...and some people wait until their married. The choice is yours! But at the end of the day, know who you are and what you can handle! As i always say...stay in your lane. And that's real...lemme know what you think! Especially my fellahs!!! :-)
P.S. (The image up top is funny to me...lmao!! Don't take offense please!...unless your mom is really a whore...then I
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Sleeping with a Broken heart....
I actually listened to the lyrics of this song for the first time today....and I actually think they are pretty amazing. I know that many of us have went to bed with a broken heart, or have tried to sleep with that love sick feeling all night. And its not a good feeling, because even when you finally fall asleep you have to wake up because that person is in your dreams. It's as if heartbreak can consume you entire life.....If you allow it. They Question for the day is HOW DO YOU SLEEP WITH A BROKEN HEART? And not only that, how do you cope with this hurt in order to get over it, move on, and possibly forgive. And this Blog is From my heart to yours!
1.) STAY BUSY!!! Staying Busy is my #1!! Staying busy keeps your mind occupied and it allows you to put energy into something besides thinking about the hurt. I can honestly say that I am most productive and creative when I am hurt. lol. Go to the gym and hit the treadmill, pick up an instrument, or telling you it helps. I know that even though you arent thinking about it, it doesnt change the fact that the pain isnt still there. However, you can dull the pain just a bit by being productive. An idol mind, is the devils playground.
2.) BREAK TIES IF NEED BE!!!! The worse thing to do is to have your heart broken by someone and still have to look at their ass. lol. So, I usually break all ties and get rid of anything that has to with the person. So if you are facebook friends....Unfriend them if you cant handle it. The last thing you need to see is the person update their status saying, "I'm feeling GREAT today!!" when you are feeling like shit. lol. I personally like to do the pack up method. The pack up method is when you pack all their shit up and either choose to destroy it, have them come pick it up, or drop it off on the side of the road and text them the location of where it is. lol. But This only give you immediate satisfaction. lol.
3.) PRAYER!! On a more serious note...Prayer has gotten me through some of the most hurtful situations. It has been God and God alone that has kept me from going CRAZY and doing things that would have had me needing bail money (NO JOKE). There has been moments where I was in route to bust car windows, stab tires, throw bricks (lol...the brick is a true story) etc, but I had to LITERALLY stop and have a little talk with Jesus. Pray for peace and strength. There is NO situation that prayer cant solve. TRUST ME! I have been through it ALL!! sadly. But prayer is whats gonna hold you together when you see the individual in public and they're laughing while you're hurting on the inside. Prayer is whats gonna keep you from breaking down and crying when you think about the situation. Prayer is whats gonna give you that extra hour of peaceful sleep at night. And prayer is what will allow you to MOVE ON! Sometime you cant avoid the person, even if you get rid of all of their things, and unfriend them on fb, you may be forced to see them at work, school, may even have mutual friends. But prayer is whats gonna have you looking Good and glowing every single time you see them!
4.) Now this is a tough one...that many cant do...I myself have a hard time with this one...but TALK TO THE PERSON. OUCH! I know what you thinking, "I dont have shit to say to him/her. he/she can do them and I'm gone do me." Yeah...but its not that simple if "doing you" consist of listening to sad love songs and crying, and getting mad every time you see something that reminds you of them. Thats so not cool! In all honesty, you may need to let the person know exactly what they did to hurt you. Now many people dont like to do this because they feel like it makes them feel weak and or vulnerable. You dont even have to talk to them face to face if you feel like you may get angry or emotional. But when you are READY, and you feel level headed....either talk to them face to face, over the phone (DO NOT TEXT!!!!!!!....texting is open to interpretation and its THE or you can write them a letter. The only way this will work is if you are prepared to NOT get a response. And if you do get a response, be prepared for it to NOT BE what you would want it to be. This only serves as a means of closure and communication.
In conclusion, know and always remember that "This too shall pass." A heartbreak will only last as long as you allow it. It hurts when it comes to matters of the heart....but its imperative that you learn and move on. I hope that I helped somebody....much love! and BRING THE NEW YEAR IN ON A HAPPY NOTE!!! LEAVE HEARTBREAK IN 09!!!! ITS A NEW DECADE!!! lol....And this is from my heart to yours.